I had a thought and decided to write it down. Welcome to the rantings of someone who decided to write down his thoughts on mysticism, politics, anthropology, science, and art.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Women Rule The World... Get Used To It

Women rule the world, so get used to it. Now When I say "get used to it", I mean women need to get used to it. Men are getting used to it, if not completely so.

I don't think women understand the amount of influence and power they hold today. Seriously. Women hold high positions in the workplace, receive higher wages than ever, and have an immense influence in politics. And even with wages, women complain they don't receive equal pay. Of course, there are some excuses men can come up with why that is so, such as maternity leave, supposed "sick days" on a monthly cycle, and so forth. But female CEOs and bosses will make the same excuses for why they don't give equal pay to women.

The fact of the matter is that the world we live in today was built by men. I'll say it again, men built this world. Commerce, economy, politics, religion, science, any kind of -ology, art, architecture, written language, mathematics, school, the workplace environment, factories, et cetera... all built by men. That is because men are biologically the most useless creatures, save for about five seconds out of their whole lives (i.e. when men plant their seed into the womb, to put it nicely). Women raise, nurse, feed, accompany, and support the children, not mention hauling another human life form around for nine months, followed by painful labor. Men don't really do much else. So, in order to contribute men built a world full of biologically useless things for them to fill their time with (like philosophy, art, politics) in order to "contribute" to the rearing of a child.

But of course women wanted in on this action as well. Consider Cleopatra always trying to weasel her way into the Roman Empire's imperial ruling of the Caesars. Or just think about the old proverb "Behind every great man there's a great woman." Women ran the household, so of course women dictated a part of every man's life.

Socrates once said : "If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher." True to speak. Men had to find a way to get away from their wives every once in a while. So they invent things like philosophy, so they can say "Don't bother me. I'm thinking." And if that wasn't enough, men created fraternal secret societies, which, of course, women want in on now (even though they have the Eastern Star).

Women don't even have to obey their husbands anymore, which was a sort of rule that has been so ingrained in our culture that it deserves mentioning. There is a lot of fuse over the fact that Kate Middleton didn't make a vow to Prince William to obey him. What did you expect? This is is the 1850's anymore! Female senators, female governors, female presidential candidates (and future presidents), female Speakers of the House... There is a silly post-it note pack at my work that says : "If men rule the world, then why do they wear ties?" Well it's a damn good question considering men don't rule the world anymore. Maybe a woman could answer that one for us men.

And yet the feminists rant on, claim oppression and mistreatment, which, of course, exists; but women beating their husbands exists as well. Women just need to get used to the fact that they rule the world (and if not totally, then totally in a few decades). Get used to it, then shut up.

"We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really what we need."
~Tyler Durden


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