I had a thought and decided to write it down. Welcome to the rantings of someone who decided to write down his thoughts on mysticism, politics, anthropology, science, and art.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Helter Skelter Pt. 2

Following the bombing of the Prime Minister's office in Oslo, Norway on July 22 the news media could only seem to point the finger at Muslim extremists. They claimed it could be Al Qaeda retaliating for the assassination of Bin Laden or the publishing of Danish press for the cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad (the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoon). Then it turned out to be a white, Christian conservative named Anders Behring Breivik.

That must have been a shock. It had to been something along the lines of the DC sniper back in 2002. Everyone thought it would have been a white man, considering the long list of white males sniping people off. What a shock it was when it was found out that the sniper was black (regardless of his Islamic extremist views). I recall several years ago a comedian commenting on this event saying something along the lines of, "Way to screw it up for the rest of us!" What a shock it must be for Christian conservatives to find the Oslo bombing and youth camp shooting rampage having been committed by a white Christian conservative. But that should be hush-hush or you'll upset Sarah Palin. Don't want to upset "Mama Bear". She must be saying, "Way to screw it up for us!"

Hours before the bombing Breivik sent digital copies of a manifesto he was writing to various person of his acquaintance. It describes, amongst many things, sparking a civil war in Europe with intentions against Muslims. Hmmm... Sounds a lot like Charles Mason's ideology for Helter Skelter. Essentially Mason planned to have a number of white people (what he called "piggies") to be brutally murdered, and frame it on African-Americans (or "blackies"). He wanted to start a race war between the blacks and the whites, and the blacks were supposed to win. Then Mason and his family would arise and have the blacks as their slaves.

I don't know at this moment if Breivik expected the Muslims to win, or what were any deeper motives than starting a civil war, but the ideology is too eerily close. Mason must be celebrating in his cell. I wonder how many women are wanting Breivik to marry them, and how much "love mail" he's getting. Because that's another thing that will never change : women falling in love with mass murderers and serial killers. That one I will never understand. Let's just hope Breivik doesn't carve and X in his forehead.

What ever happened to slick, hansom European terrorists in movies? Die Hard V, anyone?

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