I had a thought and decided to write it down. Welcome to the rantings of someone who decided to write down his thoughts on mysticism, politics, anthropology, science, and art.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I Love This Country and I'm not a Republican

Why do Conservatives think they're the only ones who love this country? Why do they think they're the only ones who are actual Americans, and everyone else who is not a white, Christian, native born American can just go die (literally)? More interesting, the questions that should be asked reflect a sense of contradiction between the right-wing Americans and traditional American ideology.

American is one of (if not the only) country ever founded on reason. And as a basic right we were given, by governmental law, the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." The only condition to this Constitutional right is that your pursuit of happiness cannot impede on anyone else's pursuit of happiness. That is a basic right, not privilege; a Constitutional right we were all given when we received our certificate of American citizenship. So if your pursuit of happiness entitled you to wear ass-less chaps in a gay pride parade, then that is your right. Now, does two men marrying, or two women marrying impede on anyone's pursuit of happiness? The only way gay marriage will impede on someone's pursuit of happiness is if they go out of their way to let it upset them.

There's too much liberal propaganda in circulation for me to make a real point here, so let me get a little bit dirty in getting this point across. Let's say the KKK wanted to hold a White Power rally on the Washington Mall. Does that impede on anyone's pursuit of happiness? Only if they let it. They don't have to go to the rally if they don't like racist propaganda. Just stay home and watch MSNBC like I would. If you go to the rally and become offend, then, well, that's your fault (unless you are there to pursue your happiness by protesting against them). Everyone is entitled to their beliefs and opinions in this country, no matter how hateful and discriminatory those beliefs are. You're entitled to rally your opinion of God, but you are not entitled to ring my doorbell at 7 AM to tell me about your idea of God.

But the right-wing Americans think that Atheists, homosexuals, immigrants, liberals, non-Caucasians, Muslims, et cetera somehow do not love this country. And to make a point of how much Conservatives love this country more than anyone else they parade a patriotic facade. They have to enforce and repetitively reenforce an image of what an American patriot is, so that that model fits them, and only them. Essentially, they are in patriotic drag.

I have to beg the question : are Republicans even American in their ideology? Are they even patriotic? Or are they just anti-Americans sporting in American drag? Are they just men in women's clothes?

Glen Beck went off on the new Levi commercial with its theme of revolution and to be "original" (whatever that means). He condemned it as anti-American. Is it? Scott Sworts, in his Cult of the Dead Birds blog, discusses how this country was founded on revolution. So is "revolution" anti-American? Or is revolution a thing of America's past? Neither is anti-American. If fact, it is absolutely American.

The Declaration of Independence says :
"...whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
By gods (I have to be fair to everyone's god), revolution is in the very foundation of American Independence. I'm sure if Thomas Jefferson were alive today (or any Found Father), he would just go crawl in a corner and cry about the absolutely unpatriotic, anti-American ideologies the GOP sports around as the only way to be American. I think I'm going to go crawl in a corner and cry.

And let's not forget how un-Christ-like these "patriots" are.

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