I had a thought and decided to write it down. Welcome to the rantings of someone who decided to write down his thoughts on mysticism, politics, anthropology, science, and art.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Cogito Ergo Es

Many people have seen the film with Will Ferrell Stranger Than Fiction. I'm going out on a limb and say few have seen John Carpenter's In The Mouth Of Madness, which plays off of Lovecraftian themes and elements (New England towns, indescribable monsters, insanity, and the usual good stuff). The two movies have much in common (besides one being about a wristwatch and the other about the color blue), particularly with someone else writing the protagonist's life, and the protagonist meeting their author. In In The Mouth Of Madness there is one scene where John Trent (played by Sam Neil... I know, it's a perfect role for him) meets Sutter Kane, and then refuses to accept he's being written in a story, and that fiction is dictating reality. Kane then says to Trent: "I think, therefore you are."

Descartes's famous quote cogito ergo sum almost means the same thing, from a solipsistic point of view. Solipsism essentially is defined as strange sort of argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacy, in that an individual cannot actually prove what he or she sees is real - when it could all be vagaries of the imagination - and that the only thing any of us can prove is real is ourselves. Hence, I think, therefore I am. But Kane's I think, therefore you are also works in solipsism. You may not actually exist, but I am writing your story.

If you are the product of my imagination, I write your life. I write when you enter the stage. I write your dialogue, your dance, and your inner monologue (which I can't hear). Then I write your exit stage. And CUT scene for Nameless Actor 1.

In short, in solipsism your reality is my fiction story, and I am the author. I am the author of my own delusions and fantasies. Thus, I would conclude solipsism is probably the most insane philosophy to exist. A schizophrenic can't help their delusions, and so their reality isn't a choice. Solipsism is a choice, and to choose that reality is utterly insane.

"Did I ever tell you my favorite color is blue?"

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